And then there was nothing.

(April 26, 2008)

Day 11

Title: Admission

It takes a lot of driving to get to Vail. It goes a lot faster when someone else is in the car with you. I left my tripod in the hotel, so they're shipping it down to me. When they told me it was going to cost around $20, I thought "forget it, I'll just go pick it up later this week" until I realized that that would take ≥4 hours of driving and about $40 of gas to get it myself. "Nevermind, just ship it to me..."

We hung out with Amy and her husband Brent last night. Brent is such an a-hole to Amy, but he's hilarious if you can get past the "oppressive male" part. He reminds me of not-so-kindhearted Adam. He's a State Trooper whose jurisdiction is I-70 from Idaho Springs to Vail. I told him that during my whole drive up I kept wondering if he was going to pull me over since I was going so fast (btw, I made good time). I don't think he found that very funny. He's such a childish, goofy, meat-headed kind of a guy, but oddly he takes his job very seriously.

He's had to draw his gun twice while on the job. I asked.


Michael said...

Blogger Ally B said...
I've had to draw my gun twice on the job too... and by gun, I mean Ice Cream scooper... and by twice, I mean a million times... but I only had to use it as a weapon a few times... to beat hyped up kids off of my back during the after-school run.
April 26, 2008 7:24 PM

Blogger Ally B said...
PS: I love this picture.
April 26, 2008 7:25 PM

Blogger The A in AJ said...
I think I told you, but I unfortunately can't come to the concert. I think I told you. Anywho, I hope you guys have a blast!
May 1, 2008 12:08 PM

mike at