There were hundreds of little girls, and the occasional boy, dressed like fairies parading up and down the mall today. I'm not entirely sure what the parade was for, unless it was just supposed to be something cute. I guess it was cute if you're into that sort of thing. Everybody was taking the obligatory pictures of the tulips, so I took a lot of pictures of people taking pictures of the tulips. I started out by finding someone with a camera and then following them around until they started taking pictures. Then I quickly realized that almost every flowerbed had someone standing over it with a camera in hand. If I had to guess, there were probably around 10,000 pictures of flowers taken today.
Also, a flash mob of sorts struck at 12:45. I guess dozens of people walking along the mall all froze at the same time for a few minutes. I didn't get to see it because it happened a little farther down than the Café. A group called Improv Everywhere from New York City became pretty famous a few months ago when they organized a massive version of this in Grand Central Station.
Check out their website, too. They've done some pretty cool stuff. I particularly like the MP3 Experiment Four.
Flash Mobs are cool. They did a funny one in Denver a while back where they have people all along the 16th Street Mall play an imaginary game of Ping Pong between floors on the buildings.
I have always found Flash Mobs a pretty awesome form of participatory performance art
this is a cute picture.
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