Title: Parity x2
Title: I Didn't See It Coming
I didn't even know double parities existed until last night. It takes a minimum of >50 moves to solve the cube from here. That's a lot of moves.
I hung out with AJ and Shannon, but I couldn't really do anything with them. By that I mean I had to go to work a few hours after hanging out with them, and they were doing...non work appropriate activities...yeah. Everybody there was skinny and muscular. I am neither and it made me (slightly) self-conscious. Time to start climbing again.
I rode my bike a bunch today. It was the first time since I got sick that I've felt okay to. In fact, it felt great. I was riding down Broadway when I saw this monstrous piece of machinery peaking over a large mound of dirt and thought "that would make a good picture." I kept riding for a minute and got frustrated with myself for not taking the picture. I turned around and this is what resulted. I don't think photography should be a chore, it should be a privilege. When a picture presents itself randomly, you should feel lucky it did and jump on the opportunity, not scoff at the thought of digging your camera out of your bag.
Dig on.
Man 1: What's better than roses on my piano?
Man 2: What?
Man 1: Tulips on my organ.
And then there was nothing.
Are you my mother?
You're not my mother ... you're a snort! Was great to see you today. Keep on blogging, I love it and you.
I know what you mean about the photos because I have the same issue with poetry. I'll think of a great line, then think "oh I'll remember that." You know, sometimes the mind is like a picture: when it presents you with something good, fucking jump in that opportunity!
We'll have another none-work-appropriate day soon. No worries, you are so invited, and I call you for a pong partner.
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