And then there was nothing.

(May 22, 2008)

Day 37

Title: Chocolove, pt. 1

Title: Chocolove, pt. 2

What a lovely day. I built a lot of character in the Calvin and Hobbes sort of way.

First was breakfast at Lucile's with Ally B. She left for Vegas this afternoon, so we decided to hang out together all morning. After breaky, we walked over to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, and ran into Kim on the way. She doesn't read this, so I'm not going to give her a shout-out.

I don't like makeup on girls, but I have to admit, some just don't look so good without it. So maybe I should modify that: I don't like makeup on Ally. Not that she looks bad with it, she just doesn't look like her. I like how SHE looks, not how the facepaint on her looks. Ally and I conversed about this after we ran into Kim.

Shorty after RMCF (what an ugly acronym), Ally finished packing and I took her and her two friends to the aeropuerto. We took the tollway there, and I realized that I was just wasting her mom's money completely unnecessarily. I had a feeling it was taking just about as long as it would if we had taken 36 to I-70...or however you get to DIA. I decided to test this, and in the process got completely lost. It turns out I was on the correct road the entire time, but I didn't know that, ergo I was lost. Typically when I get lost, I freak out and dive out on the first exit I see in order to catch my breath/find my bearings again. This time I figured, "eh, I can see the mountains, so as long as they don't disappear over the horizon, I'm not headed in the complete opposite direction."

If you've never driven with me in Denver, you wouldn't understand how big of an accomplishment that is for me.

Things I hate:
  1. driving
  2. my boss

Then tonight I rode my bike to work for the third day in a row. It rained on me. A lot. I decided to leave home when the climax of today's light drizzle had started. This was at ~4:00. When I left the Café at ~11:45, my shorts were still wet since I decided to be smart and stuff them INTO my waterproof bag, as if to keep the rest of the world dry by containing them...or something. When I left the house, I knew that driving was the obvious choice, but see above list for an explanation of why I chose to bike instead.


scott lawan said...

haha. i also freak the fuck out when i am/think i'm lost...i hate that feeling. i feel so...dumb.

Diane said...

What? No "Michael Kohn > Chocolate"??????

The A in AJ said...

Thank you Diane. I completely agree. I've grown quite accustomed to those.

Things I really enjoy:
1. Frolf with you and the guys
2. Your blog

mike at