Title: If You Can Hear Me
Mark is one badass frolfer.
I weeded a little bit of the back yard. There's a lot of fucking biomass back there. Most of it is plant material, but I ran into a few dozen species of various types of bugs including beetles of a thousand kinds, spiders, crickets, earwigs, ants, harvestmen (daddy longlegs), some type of a millipede-/centipede-/silverfish-type asshole, the occasional winged creature, something that looked a little like a tick but probably wasn't a tick, and some cool looking tiny green thing that I took some pictures of but didn't turn out very green in any of them. The above picture used to have him/her/that-bisexual-thing in it, but I cropped it right out, making the picture fantastically bland, just like my day post-frolf.
I did most of this without a shirt on, and since Ally wasn't home to help me put on sunscreen that I stole from my cousin Billy, I had to get creative to lotion up that 6" diameter circle on my back that my hands can't reach. I squirted a bunch onto a spatula and it worked like a charm.
Despite my bitching about blandness, it was a pretty productive day. I got a few things done that have been hanging over my head, and watched about 2.25 movies (16 Candles, .25 of 300 which would really just make it 75, and Waiting which was a surprisingly accurate account of my daily worklife). My favorite of the day: 16 Candles. Those '80s movies have a certain charm to them, and that Molly Ringwald kind of has this geek-chic thing that I dig (as did most boys in the '80s, I'm pretty sure). I just saw Pretty In Pink for the first time about a month ago and loved that movie too. Her dress in the end was hideous, but I'm sure it made most crafty bitches pretty excited to see her make her own patchwork prom dress that I guess was fashionable at the time.
And then there was nothing.
i saw a huge cockroach
Eighties chic ... gotta love it! The spatula idea was ingenious. What did you stir up on the stove after that?
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