And then there was nothing.

(June 17, 2008)

Day 63

Title: Eating Alone

I took this picture while on the home stretch of a 19 mile bike ride. Ally told me that she didn't think I'd actually go to WOG (on top of the giant hill at the south end of McCaslin in Superior) like I'd said I would. I sure showed her.

This is my first attempt at playing with layer masks. I have different curves for the sky and for the ground. I know that I didn't do the greatest job at blending the threshold between the two (just check out the tops of the midground trees on the left side), and it's hard to tell if the whole image looks too implausible and cartoony, or if it worked out okay. I'm just glad that I found a picture that allowed me to play around with my new knowledge.

I once had a teacher describe Eta Carinae by likening it to Dolly Parton. Today's APOD reminded me of that.


scott lawan said...

looks pretty good to me. dolly parton that is

Anonymous said...

dude, nice accomplishment riding all the way to WOG. but weren't you gonna do that so you could see ally? and wasn't she home sick today? you coulda saved yourself the troble of riding all the way out there and just hung out with her at home.

thanks for not posting pictures of my road rash :)

ps- i refigured the math and you owe me $13 total. sorry,

The A in AJ said...

This is an amazing picture. Sure, I have an untrained eye for photos, but I have a good one when it comes to images. This one's a good image, very well captured. I have no idea what you're talking about the tree line. This looks perfectly blended, and it doesn't look at all fake. Nice work buddy! And nice work with riding up to WOG! Take me next time...I need a riding buddy.

Lindsey said...

19 miles, impressive!

and being better than JT's music is pretty impressive as well.

Unknown said...

It looks awesome! That bright sun is hard to get right but it looks great. Congrats on the ride. Dolly and the Homonculus nebula?

Anonymous said...

I love the seeing all the different layers of mountains in this photo. It is fabulous! Thanks for taking the time to share. Hugs

mike at