Title: Up Equals Up
I don't know about this photo. I used gradient layer masks (for the first time) over two different curves to exaggerate the dark bottom and light top, I desaturated it and changed the hue slightly. I think it just turned into a quasi b&w highly contrasted pile of poop. Go me.
I read a lot today. Book Club might be coming back soon. My only reservation to do so is that it's taking me an embarrassingly long time to get through books nowadays. I think that Book Club should only be written by a committed reader, and I'm not sure how well I'm currently filling those shoes. But I'm a big advocate of having other people "depend" on you in order to keep you accountable. That's one of the biggest reasons I have taken pictures every day. I've come close to throwing my arms up in surrender several times, but then I check my analytics stats and that gets my shutter finger a-movin'.
I brought up my reading habits to segue into me and AJ going climbing at the Spot where the above picture was taken, but I lost it. Tangent killed the segue.
Anthony Bourdain is the man. I aspire to be a non-smoking version of him.
And then there was nothing.
durian fruit stinks. but i like the fact that some of my friends do dail photo, especially now that i moved. i came keep in touch with you. so it's like we hang out alittle everyday.
<3 scott
In my opinion, this photos is the best photo you have taken so far.
Thanks Mark! That means a lot to me.
I'm still not sure if I really like it that much, though.
I see it as an interesting look into human behavior in regards to nature. Humans trying to replicate nature in some weird totally artificial and abundant way...but done originally for sport and practicality...not art or aesthetics
"If you ever get close to a human...and human behavior...you better be ready to get confused"
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