Title: I Like To Move In The Night
This picture has been a long time coming. I've always wanted to experiment with zooming during a long exposure, and then an APOD from a few weeks ago was an interesting variation on that, so I finally decided that I should try.
This was taken right outside of LASP. I think this is the exterior wall of Larry Esposito's office. He might be one of my only teachers that I have found a wikipedia page for. He's pretty much a baller in the astronomy community. He was on the Today Show, and was the leading contender against Alan Stern's New Horizons probe for making a Pluto exploration satellite. Stern won which makes him slightly more baller.
As of right now, New Horizons has 2572 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes and 20 seconds until it begins powering up in preparation for closest approach to Pluto. Exciting.
And then there was nothing.
New Horizons is badass...
Esposito is a badass for sure.
P.S. I am glad to see you experimenting (last post and this one)
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