And then there was nothing.

(July 28, 2008)

Day 104


Throwback Avocado

I don't have a light box or beauty dishes or strobes or blah blah blah.

I have a bedside table, a small window camera left, and an overhead tungsten bulb firing at 60 watts AC.

Shot at f/5.6, 1/2s, ISO 800. I rigged a tripod made out of an ottoman stacked on top of a chair, and my camera resting on some pillows on top of all of that. Because of the funny angle of this picture, though, the camera was pretty much just handheld. Not too shabby for 1/2 second.


The A in AJ said...

I'd say it's damn good for 1/2 second. You stole that phone as a coming home present for me, right?

Anonymous said...

Funny how that avocado color made its way back around ... or maybe it never did leave. love ya!

mike at