And then there was nothing.

(August 9, 2008)

Day 117

Southward Bound

Dear World,
We tried our best. Sorry.
         — Half of America

I thought that was kind of a funny bumper sticker.

Now my turn:

Dear AJ,

I feel bad that I haven't talked to you AT ALL since you left. I haven't emailed, commented on your posts, or made any other effort. For that I'm sorry.

But I've been thinking a lot about you recently and reading about your life in NZ diligently. That iChat the other day was sizzick. No delay. Astounding. I'm pretty excited for you. It sounds like you really chose the right place to be.

We miss you - I miss you - a ton and hope that you're doing well. It looks like we're (tentatively) going to be landing down there the day after you're done with school, so that should be awesome. I can't wait to see a beautiful early-summer Christchurch. Oh, and a gnarly jew-fro five months in the making. That'll be cool too.

Your friend,
-Mike K.-


mike at