And then there was nothing.

(August 15, 2008)

Day 122

Siamese Dream

I'm caught up. Booyakasha.

Looking for a job is discouraging. I almost even entertained the thought of getting another bachelor's degree today. I don't think it's quite come to that, yet.

I am therefore teaching myself C#. Then maybe C++, or Perl, or Java, or JavaScript, or Delphi, or PHP, or just plain old C. Companies require that you know at least that much.

So far, I know none of it. Hence the futile job search.


Andreas said...

I love images that make me wonder. This does.

It's a good idea to learn a lot of languages, and Java is probably the best candidate to get into OO, but what you really need, is some OO background. Things like the "Gang of Four" book (OK, that's C++, but the principles apply everywhere). All modern software is built around design patterns, and it is a damn good idea to be familiar with them.

mike at