Blonde Redhead 23

**NOTE: Some of these files are big. The PSD is > 100MB.**
**ANOTHER NOTE: I don't know if this is going to work...**
Click here to download the original RAW photograph.
Click here to download the XMP file that should contain the metadata information detailing the changes I made in Camera RAW.
Click here to download a full resolution JPEG in case you don't use CS3 or some other RAW editor.
Click here to download my .psd CS3 file to see what I did to eff the picture up. I don't know how I put in so many adjustments. I just kept clicking and layers kept popping into existence.
If you find a way of making this picture look better, especially the funky colors of the girls, please show me or send me your files or explain it to me. I'd super-d-duper appreciate it. Anyway, on to the post...
The pieces of my day:
Reading while eating.
Cursing at my flat-again bike tire.
Giving people food to eat.
Eating and drinking at Jax (Izzy was consumed by Ally during my last visit there).
Doubling my record album collection (total LPs: 6).
Watching a chick fall off her bike while txt msging.
Also, when I was driving in front of the Boulder Theater on my way home, I saw a couple strutting their shit with about 10 photographers surrounding them. They were both tall and skinny and in fancy-ish clothes (he was wearing a fedora which screams "looser prick fancy"). I thought that maybe it was some kind of a photoshoot like Day 88, but why so many photographers? They (the photographers) had some badass gear too. I didn't notice anything specific, but some definite full-body cameras and hardcore telephoto lenses. I was soooo close to parking and joining them, pretending to be a badass gear wielding photographer, but I was too ready to get home after a long and slow day at work.
Then when the couple passed all of the photographers, they turned around and "broke character" and were just standing there, looking like they were just waiting for everybody to reposition so that they could make a second pass. You would have thought they were the Beckham's or something with how pretentious they acted.
By the way, I don't think I ever explained Day 88. I had just gotten off work when Ally called me and asked if I could pick up a donation from The Med (we're volunteering for a charity auction for HospiceCare). I walked through the tunnel next to the Wells Fargo building towards their parking lot to get to the intersection of Broadway and Walnut. When I popped out in the alleyway, some guy was standing there taking pictures of those two broads in the picture. The girls had to have been young as shit, total jailbait.
What were they doing? My guesses: 1) Ridiculously dramatic senior pictures? I wouldn't doubt it. 2) My rich daddy is trying to boost my already astronomical self-esteem by booking a "fashion photographer" to tell me I'm a model? More likely.
As Tyra says, if you have to pay a photographer or modeling agency, then it's not legit. You're supposed to be making them money, therefore they won't charge you as if you were wasting their time. They should be paying your skinny ass.
The actual picture that ended up as the photo of the day (Day 88, that is) was a pretty close crop on just the girls. Here's the whole picture straight from the camera where you can see the photographer too.
my edits
...sort of. I can explain in greater detail sometime.
Tyra's words of wisdom have changed my life.
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