Pretty much every news source is already saying that it was a pretty phenomenal speech, and (of course) a milestone in America's political history. I can't believe I got to be there. Surreal.
I really hope Obama wins.
I dropped my camera.
God I'm an asshole. It was sort of a random fluky kind of a thing, though, so I'm not kicking myself too hard.
The lens hit first, so it took pretty much all the damage. Its mounting is a little wobbly now, and few things inside might have been a little jarred. It was having trouble autofocussing last night, but I can't tell if that's just because it was so dark. I'm not sure if the VR (vibration reduction, used to steady images when your hands are jittery from too much caffeine) wasn't working, or if I was just getting so jostled around that my images at 1/40sec were pretty blurry. That also might have to do with the MFing.
At least it was my cheap lens (that's a relative term. If I had dropped a gum ball worth that much money, I don't think I'd be calling it cheap anymore.) because we were told online that only lenses with focusing distances of 70mm or less were going to be allowed in. There were a ton of non-press people, though, walking around with gigantic zooms, and security never even checked my camera to make sure it was within their ground rules. I really wish I had had my telephoto with me, but better safe than sorry I suppose. It's better to not have it than to bring it and have them point at a trash can when they notice my too-long lens.

EXCELLENT Photos dude!!! Glad I got to share the experience with you. Also fascinating article on caffeine. My favorite methylxanthene!
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