And then there was nothing.

(September 24, 2008)

Day 162

Riding the Hershey Wave

I tried taking a picture of this guy on Day 6, but they turned out terribly so I never posted them. I'm pretty sure my photographing skillz have gotten better since then. Well, so has my camera, and that helps.

This is the first time that I've really realized how amateur my photography used to be. I'm not trying to say that it's not anymore, because I still have a whole lot to learn. By no means am I calling myself an awesome photographer, but I sure do like my newer stuff a whole lot more.

Still think evolution doesn't exist? I have just reached the next step in the human line: non-philistine. True story.


scott lawan said...

love this shit!

<3 scott

Photomoto said...

it good that you are seeing progress, but more importantly you like what you are doing.

mike at