And then there was nothing.

(September 28, 2008)

Day 166

Matching Outfits = Stupid

I've bought 1,657 pages worth of books in the last two days. I love the look of new book covers. They make me want to read. However, I got these ones used, but they're still calling my name. At least I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geiko.

Today my brother and I went into one of the used stores on Pearl in search of the seemingly elusive second book in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, and we talked to the guy (owner perhaps) sorting through their stacks and stacks of inventory. We had already looked through a section full of King novels by the time this guy approached us. I asked if him if I was already looking at everything they had, and he started to talk.

He told us about his $600 first edition of The Stand with the original dust cover.

He told us about how he has the original story The Dark Tower series is based off of called The Gunslinger (he also noted that King used this as the title of his first book in the series and that that was okay since titles can't be copyrighted) and told us that the author of that story used to live at 1010 Mapleton, not far where King used to live when he was here in Boulder.

He told us that he also had the epic poem that too served as inspiration for the series.

He told us that he had the first and third books in the series, but not the ever-elusive second. Some help he was.


Moving on. We went two doors down to the other used bookstore, and though I looked there on Saturday, I figured I'd give it another shot. I ended up with a larger illustrated paperback version (still for less than the cheap paperback version would have been new), and the second book in Asimov's Foundation trilogy (third in the whole series...confusing, I know.), and my brother left with another King book.

As we were walking back to our car, past the first bookstore, the weird guy called to us from the entryway and told us that he had both of the other books we had just purchased.

Too little too late, buddy.


Robot said...

so what rhymes with milk that your blog name so tantalizingly alludes to? silk? pilk? wilk? filk? zilk? i'm going with zilk. i should make a photojournal blog called 'zilk' as a reply to yours, that'd be kinda funny.

Michael said...

Depending on how you pronounce milk, "elk" could work too.

A guy I work with that occasionally reads this likes to call it "Rhymes with Soy".

The A in AJ said...

Oh you mysterious little bugger. You didn't even answer her question!

I like your story.

mike at