Repair Kit
I accidentally made myself bleed profusely at work tonight.
So Ally tried to fix me, but her heartburn was so bad she almost barfed on my gaping wound. That would have been unsanitary, so I told her that I could finish the job. Her her days as a nurse are now over.
I had a table tip me $20 on a $29 tab during happy hour tonight. Learn from this, people of the world. The men that committed this act have a little something to teach all of us.
One of the guys from that table is the "lunch lady" in this video. I'm not even kidding even though you think I am.
And then there was nothing.
hahahahahahaha. that is all.
k that's not all. i fucking love 3oh3, they're so fucking hilarious. is it getting hot in here or is just me? hahaha. you's a punk bitch if you don't know 'bout boulder!
To be clear, the heartburn did not make me want to barf on you and your gaping wound... the panic attack that I had as a result of said heartburn and gaping wound caused it... duh.
Are you there Mike, it's me, God.
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