And then there was nothing.

(October 13, 2008)

Day 181

Knotted Up

Lots of pictures today, and they're all very different. I didn't really stick to a theme like I sometimes try to. This is because I got a new lens today (holla!). It's awesome. And it's as sharp as shit a razor. When I can autofocus it correctly, that is. Curse you Nikon D40x for not having an internal focusing motor!!! Whatever, I'm over it already. I'm building character by manually focusing. I'm getting back to the roots of photography like back in the day when Ansel Adams had to manually focus the lenses on his 5D Mark II because USMs hadn't come out yet.


I played pool tonight with Ryan (Good times. It's always nice catching up with him.) at 'The Connection', the only place on campus that sells alcohol. Why is it allowed there, but not the stadium? Bowling can get just as rowdy as football.

We talked to Courtney the cash register girl about vegetarianism. She's been "clean" for 4 months, and the other night her friends brought her to McDonald's while she was drunk and made her eat meat.

Friends can be really mean sometimes.


The A in AJ said...

First of all, I just can't decide which is funnier: that Courtney called not eating meat 'being clean,' or that her friends got her to drunkenly eat meat. I really don't know which one I laughed harder at.

Friends are funny. Assholes sometimes? Yes. But funny.

Secondly, I REALLY like your pictures today. Especially the first one. And the second one. (I'm a sucker for rich pretty greens.) And the third one made me miss Dustin. What what is the 4th one? I like the last one, but it's similar to the first, sort of, but less interesting and more washed out. The first one is just so crisp and dynamic because of the colors and the motion. Well it looks like it's blowing in the wind, and the "knot" is a dynamic shape as is. The last one's dynamic too, but vague and wispy compared to the sharpness and depth of the first.

You sound well. Miss you man!

Michael said...

Yo AJ! Thanks for liking the pictures! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out today, so I'm glad you think so too.

The 4th one is of my lens cap on a little tea-light holder that's kind of shaped like a boat on my parent's dinner table. The dark circles are where the candles are dropped in. I think Ally and I got that for them for xmas or something...

And the last picture is of the same bush as the main picture, but taken and processed rather differently. I sat there staring into the heart of it and focused (manually!) closer and closer, taking pictures the whole way. Because of the narrow depth of field of my new lens (50mm f/1.8 if that means anything to you), only small slivers of the bush were in focus at any time. That made everything else look wispy and blurry. When I first saw this picture I liked the way it looked light and ethereal, and how the blurriness of the out-of-focus parts looked like motion. I therefore photoshopped it in such a way to enhance those qualities. In many ways, I almost like it the best of all the pictures today, and like I said, I was really pretty pleased with all of them, so that's saying something.

Good to hear from you! One month til we're there. omg, that's soon.

Anonymous said...

I love that first photo. Very metallic looking. DTK is soo handsome.

mike at