And then there was nothing.

(October 30, 2008)

Day 198

I used the Scott Lawan method and just set my camera on the ground to take this picture.


iTunes is freezing the shit out of my computer whenever I try to import a CD. Just another reason to hate Apple. God I hate Apple.

I'm a PC because I'm not an asshole.

And every time I'm scrolling through my music library and a song ends, the view centers back on the new song playing. I mean when I'm browsing around Chevelle, Christina Aguilera, and Chronic Future, and Santana's Black Magic Woman starts playing, I have to scroll back up about 7000 songs to find where I just was. I know it's not a huge deal, and it really only minorly inconveniences me occasionally, but doesn't Apple love to say that their shit is 'simple' and 'un-annoying' (which their advertising directly contradicts, if I may say so)?

Have your heard about this MTV Music thing? Apparently MTV is justifying their lack of music in their programing by posting pretty much every music video they've ever played. I don't know if it's just because it's still in its infancy (they're calling it a "beta site"), but they only had the VH1 Pop Up Video version of Paula Abdul's Straight Up.

It's pretty cool looking up music videos that you have no hope of ever seeing on tv because MTV is just as big of an asshole as Apple.


scott lawan said...

i saw that photo on flickr first and thought, "did he use the scottlawan method"? hahaha

<3 scott

Anonymous said...

I like the picture- but where are the titles????????

Anonymous said...

what are you greater than today?

Ally B said...

I heart Regina.

Anonymous said...

> Steve Jobs

Thank God your Dad's watching over you.

mike at