And then there was nothing.

(October 31, 2008)

Day 199

La La La

The end of another month, the end of another centiphotos.


"Yo Man,
You're really cute. Here's my number...
          -Note I got today on the back of a receipt


My Halloween 2008 (in B&W):

I Ran into Mike T. His 'last minute costume' was awesome. Apparently he has an even better Daft Punk one complete with LEDs and such.

Sister Mary Nancy-Boy:

Then I helped Ryan find hair for his Buckethead costume. He ended up wearing a beard backwards. Niiiiiice.

Also, I saw a Jay and Silent Bob that could have given Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith a run for their money on who's more realistic.

And Billy stopped by the Cafe. He had hundred dollar Wolverine claws on that could have seriously killed humans. They were like modified brass knuckles on steroids.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the title you gave to DK! He's hilarious and you are so funny. Where were my girls last night? I was fully expecting them on my porch in costume trick-or-treating. Oh well, maybe next year. Stop by for some candy, we have tons left. Thanks for posting. Love you!

Robot said...

i seriously, seriously love the picture of the scarecrow guy. LOVE it.

mike at