And then there was nothing.

(November 3, 2008)

Day 202

This is Where the Action Is

I took a picture of Will Vil every 15 seconds for about 20 minutes. I was hoping that something exciting would happen and that I would catch it all on film (memory card). I was even willing to settle for large clouds. Small clouds. Some clouds other than the few in the far corner. Jet contrail, maybe? They were flying all around the sky today, looking nice and pretty and linear. I kept praying that one would come into my field of view. Then far away on the eastern horizon I spotted one heading my way. I tracked its trajectory to be in direct intersection with the left tower. I waited and watched, taking pictures all the meanwhile. Then, for some reason, it started to drift southward. I don't know if I just miscalculated it AOA or if it actually banked, but there was definite apparent driftage. But luckily (note the sarcasm) it was caught on film (memory card) for two whole frames. On the far left of this picture just next to the clouds, you can see a tiny straight white line. This is where the plane entered the frame. It and its contrail disappeared after only one more picture (ie thirty seconds later, it was gone).

All said and done, the time lapse was pretty lame. The sun got covered up by enough clouds to shade the towers awkwardly, and nothing moved except for the few clouds gurgling over there in the corner. But I did shoot some rather interesting stop motion test images...

Stop Motion Trials from rhymes with milk on Vimeo.

It was a rather successful set of trials. I learned a lot of what to do, and more importantly, what not to do. Technically, this video is quite amateur (it's a first attempt. Cut me some slack.), but because of it I bet the next one won't be.

Oh, and the titles didn't work. Those blank periods were meant to have text in them.

Thanks so much to Shannon for being my mannequin. My highly articulate, animate, arboreal brachiator primate mannequin.


scott lawan said...

that last sequence was pretty sweeet.

<3 scott

Anonymous said...


Robot said...

i love the part where it looks like he's just scooting along without really moving. i also love how the wind is moving the plants in the background

Anonymous said...

I thought your mannequin was DT at first. Whoa! That was fun!

Unknown said...

Whoa indeed!

mike at