I took very few pictures today giving me very few to choose from.
I settled on this guy. He stands outside the Cafe nearly every day and plays the three chords he knows on his guitar in random sequences singing songs like "This Old Man" with lines from Beatles songs occasionally woven in. Then he puts his guitar down, grabs his maracas (or recorder, or tambourine) and continues his song using said instrument, all seamlessly as if he had never missed a beat.
I could be reaching a little by saying this, but I don't think he knows the first thing about music. A single guitar book would go such a long way with this guy. His skillz would double instantly, and I'm sure his income would as well. He has to heckle passersby to get them to even acknowledge his tip box, and even then they rarely if ever throw anything into it other than a painfully pitying gaze.
maybe someone should give him a guitar book...for the holidays
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