If I really wanted to pimp this photo out, I would have created a texture layer for each card. I didn't, however. Sorry. So shoot me.
----------After a tough day at work yesterday, I decided to take today off. I got someone to cover my shift, and I just took it easy. I spent most of the day doing some good family bonding. Homemade banana bread and lasagna really hit the spot.
WARNING: This story is long, drawn out, and boring. Please skip down to bulleted list below.
I also decided to start upgrading my computer. This was initially prompted by the new computer speaker system I got for christmas. My current hardware configuration isn't 5.1 surround compatible, so I looked into my options for upgrading. I first started looking at cheapy $30 sound cards that would easily do the trick plus enhance (slightly) my onboard sound quality. This started raising compatibility questions, so I looked up the specs on my current motherboard. (Remember, this computer was handed down to me, so I really didn't know what kind of hardware I was working with.)
Well, it turns out this motherboard was pretty damn good for its time, but it's become dated. It can only handle a Pentium processor (not the newer Core 2 Duos or Quads), and 1GB of RAM (which it already has). As far as I understand (which isn't too far...), those are the biggest components contributing to general computing speed. So if I ever wanted to upgrade, I would need to start with a new motherboard. Because of a rather generous rent modification made by my landlord, I currently have a small bit of savings in the bank, and decided to spend that on a new, highly (comparatively) expandable motherboard and 2GB of RAM to kick my photoshop startup time up a notch. Plus, it comes with integrated 5.1 built in.
A whole snowball effect then started to unfold. I realized that my current OS (Windows XP Professional SP3) can't support more than 4GB of RAM. This is why I just bought 2GBs to add to the 1 I already have, rather than 4 more for nearly the same price. I have no idea what the numbers mean or are referring to, but each OS comes in two variations: 32-bit or 64-bit. You have to own the 64-bit version—which of course has to be more expensive—to run between 4-16GB of RAM (which this new motherboard will be capable of). So I then started looking into buying XP 64-bit, but then started thinking that with that much RAM and a super new badass Intel Core 2 Quad processor (which is just another damn thing to buy), I could probably handle all of Vista's memory-sinks without too much problem.
Also, I could have bought an identical motherboard minus a second PCI-Express x16 (or some shit) slot for about $15 less, but instead sprang for the more expandable one. So I now have to find some awesome cards to fill these new PCI ports. Maybe get a pair of $500 video cards to run, you know, like some awesome games or something. Not that I play computer games (besides Diablo III when it comes out! Holla!), so I guess that wouldn't be necessary. But if I didn't do it, then the extra $15 I spent would go to waste.
SUUUUUUPER long story short, since I just bought a new motherboard to be able to use my new speaker system, I now need:
- New processor
- Vista 64-bit/Windows 7 64-bit when it comes out
- More RAM up the ass
- Two hardcore gaming video cards
- Hardcore games so that aforementioned cards don't go to waste
- Audio card, just because. Maybe one for 7.1 surround in case I ever get a new speaker system.
- New speaker system to use with aforementioned audio card
So what started this whole thing, the new speakers, have now become obsolete because of all the upgrades I'm making to be able to use them.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
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