I'm now one hundred days away from finishing a year. I guess that's a milestone?
Today was really nice. Ally and I got to spend some good time together. We went to Glacier to get some coffee and work out her new laptop. I meanwhile further tweaked my blog's layout. Then after getting a hint (a not-so-subtle hint), we got some late lunch at Tsing Tao. I swear to you, if I was given that soy sesame chicken without being told that it's not meat, I would never know the difference. They even upgraded their little balls of soy to chunks of that are actually shaped like chunks of flesh torn from a defenseless bird's body.
Then, since we were already in SoBo, I figured we should drive up to the Fairview football field to take some pictures of the sunset. Once we got there, though, there were some devastatingly bitter cold winds rushing down across the open field. Naturally, Ally did the smart thing and stayed in the car. Well I thought I could brave them, so I took my camera out, and my bare hand started to shake from being so cold after being exposed for only moments. I stood there in the middle of the field, all alone, no one else around, and I started to laugh. I laughed hard. The cold was piercing through my brand new fleece-lined hoody (which is supposed to be my new "warm jacket" since my only other warm bits of clothing are non-lined threadbare hoodies) so much that I couldn't help but think that it was funny.
This winter I have hiked around Chautauqua in sub-zero temperatures (creating little icicles on my beard), and taken the dogs on walks when it was in the single digits (all in my non-warm hoodies), but this was still somehow the coldest I have yet been. I took about two pictures after the laughing subsided, and ran back for the car. I had to climb a fence to get in, and on the way out I almost faceplanted climbing back over because I was trying so hard to get back to the car as fast as possible. When I got back, I had to laugh again just a little bit.
I ended up taking this picture at home, again while experimenting with an off camera flash, while waiting to watch Rock of Love Bus with Ally.
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