picture update (aka update iv)

I just wrote 1,300 words on the trouble I went through getting my computer running again, but I stopped caring and didn't want to write anymore. I'm over it.
CS4 is pretty different from its predecessor. My first reaction was to ditch it and revert back to CS3, but I had said the same thing about it when I upgraded from CS. There are just a few things I need to get used to, that's all.
Btw, the differences between how my photos look in Bridge and when they're uploaded to Flickr is much more pronounced now. Maybe I have to recalibrate my screen. Maybe Flickr's just being a lil bitch. Who knows?
update III
OMG! Everything's working. 10 days after the initial dismantling of my computer and 22 hours after the peak of my long, slow emotional breakdown, everything's working again.
I did an entirely fresh install of Windows, so it's going to take me a little while to get all of the programs that I need reinstalled. But things are now running faster and smoother than ever before. I might be able to start posting pictures again tomorrow, depending on how much time I'm willing to spend in this crusty chair that I've now been in for 2 days straight.
Time for some fresh air now.
update II
I've been working on getting my computer to work, finally, for 6 hours now. I finally repaired Windows and got it running (at around hour 4). Then I couldn't connect to the internet. I spent about an hour staring at My Network Places wondering what I should do to diagnose the problem. Maybe the driver for my built-in modem isn't working, I tell myself. I then spent about half an hour trying to get the motherboard driver disk to work. Hmm, my CD-ROM drive doesn't read DVDs. Now I have to physically switch it with my other ROM (that does read DVDs) so that the only IDE ribbon in the whole computer can reach it from the HDD. Furrow brow over disk not showing up on computer when inserted. Then wrestle my rarely-used external DVD burner from its packaging, and insert the disk into that. Furrow brow over drive not showing up on computer when inserted into USB. Stick disk back into internal CD-ROM. Furrow. Look reeeeeeeeeeally closely at the disk bay and find no mention of DVDs. Realize that BOTH CD-ROM drives - BOTH!!! - are non-DVD compatible. Furrow. But why doesn't the external drive work? That's a completely separate problem. All the USBs are working just fine. Insert installation CD for external drive into CD-ROM, get spammed with NERO and "EZ Creator Suite 9" bullshit and find no mention of drive installation. Realize that manual says that Windows XP is supposed to automatically work with external drive. But...it's not. And neither is my internet...still.
I'm so fucking pissed off and stressed about this shit. I just want my computer to work. Fuck. I just want my computer to work. How many more things can go wrong? I'm so frustrated. I'm SO frustrated.......
I don't know when pictures are going to resume. Don't hold your breath or you'll die. Just like my computer will when I punch it right in the fucking RAM.
Okay, it looks like my new graphics card will be arriving on Thursday.
Btw, newegg.com is pretty bomb at getting things out to you asap. They usually ship things the day after the order is placed, and they use UPS 3-Day. I'm so used to Amazon's super-saver shipping that takes nearly 2 weeks from order to arrival. Granted, most of their products don't have free shipping like Amazon (I had to pay nearly $9), but their prices still usually beat theirs anyway. When it comes to computer hardware, they're the shit.
End of shameless plug. If anyone from Newegg reads this and wants to pay me for advertising to all 10 people that read this blog, feel free to contact me at
kohnmd [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh, another btw, I think I just set up my DNS to route ANY emails that end in [at] rhymeswithmilk [dot] com to my real email address. That's kind of cool. As soon as my computer gets a-runnin' again, I'll probably start developing that site again.
Last btw, Mark seems to be the only person to have noticed so far, so I'll just let you all in on the secret. There's a new book club post. I posted it about 2 weeks ago, so if haven't found it yet, you probably never would have.
I installed my new motherboard only to realize that it doesn't have an AGP expansion slot, and therefore the AGP graphics card from my old motherboard now has nowhere to connect to. The only way to plug my monitor into my computer is via that graphics card. Soooooo, yeah. No pictures without a monitor, or until Ally lets me download CS3 onto Edward.
Either I stick the old, grumpy, dusty motherboard back into my computer, or I start doing some research and buy me a new graphics card! I like that idea. Except now it makes me want to get a new monitor, too, and that's just something I honestly truely do not need. But I want.
the devil within compels you
<3 scott
bummer dude. If there was a working hard disk in it, I would let you use my old Powerbook g4.
damn technologies.
Update III: woooooo
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