LOST with Mark. I like that show. I like that guy.
I did my first auto-panorama on Photoshop tonight with his help. I'm excited about it. This opens up a whole new world.
I'm getting more and more excited to get my new camera. I know that I talk about that a lot, but this project is really showing me how much I want one. I think that's the point. It's getting me exited to shoot photos. I was talking to Mark and Gordon about the awesomeness of carrying around a fatty SLR and how it makes you feel important. As Gordon put it, whipping out your camera is like whipping out a big dick*. That sounds weird, but there is something phallic and powerful about handling those cameras. Mr. Croupe, my high school photography teacher, used to talk about how if you have a camera in your hand, people listen to you. If you bring enough expensive-looking equipment to a photoshoot, it doesn't matter if you don't use any of it, people still think you're a badass pro photographer. He was the kind of guy that would climb trees and dangle upside down just because he though he saw a possible shot. That's the way I want to be. That's the way everybody should be. Stop and smell the roses, even if they're up a telephone pole.
I've been writing quite a bit in my Moleskine, yet I haven't been writing posts about any of the topics in it. For those of you that don't know, once I started blogging I started to carry around a little pocket Moleskine notebook. I would periodically think of things throughout the day that I would want to write about, and would later forget what it was. Jotting little notes has helped me. I've realized, though, that even if I don't blog about it, the notebook still helps me keep memories of things I want to remember. Just in case I lose this notebook sometime in my life, I'm going to document the non-discussed topics verbatim here. A small insight into my mind follows.
- The TSA guys had no idea what to do with that letter. "Um, why don't you just go through and see what happens..." [side note: this is in reference to Dr. Glenn's gamma-ray emitting leg]
- "SETI at home"
- knitting=prayer
- Canada, a whole country named Doug
- ∫tanx³dx = [side note: guest writer Mark testing my math skills. I don't know the answer to this]
- ∫sin(x)dx = -cos(x) + c [side note: but I knew the answer to this one. Shazaam!]
- Bonjour Misour Corbet
- Bonafide lip job
- Sitting in one classroom for a day
- Exclusively chew w/ left side of mouth
I'm pretty sure I heard Gordon say that. It turns out I also read it on Scott's blog and totally forgot. I bet Gordon stole it from Scott.
Blogger scott lawan said...
"big dick"
i wrote aboot that
May 2, 2008 3:01 AM
Blogger The A in AJ said...
I'm so stoked that you use those. Righteous.
Oh and the camera thing? Why do you think I carry around two drumsticks?
May 2, 2008 7:40 AM
Anonymous dad said...
I like that you're experimenting with b&w. I've always had a thing for Ansel Adams. (Not his dick)
About the thing you broke at my house. I have a running total of all the things Diane owes me. At the end of each month, I multiply it by 100.
So by the time I die, she will owe the estate money and you and Dust will be rich.
May 2, 2008 2:26 PM
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