
After the sun rose it lingered low on the horizon behind thick, white clouds, giving off a lovely ambient glow that made all of the greens in my front yard sing. This isn't a picture of green, though, but it is a picture of singing. Or yawning, perhaps.
I'm tired. Also, I think I got my Thursday shift covered, ending my marathon work week a day early and allowing me to get LOST once more this year. Pabst will be provided to any LOSTies that want to come over, provided you answer a trivia question correctly.

Taken at 5:35am at ISO 100 f/7.1 1".
I'm pretty happy with this since it's my first exposure with a purposeful shutter speed slower than 1/30. As of last night I still didn't know how to manually change the aperture on my camera, so I curled up in bed with the owner's manual and fell asleep reading about auto-focus modes and other such things. I decided to get up this morning at 5 to do some photoadventuring to put to work some of the new things I had learned. Unfortunately it was still raining this morning, so I decided to practice in the middle of the street in front of my house. I'm pretty happy with this picture, and I'm getting slightly more comfortable with my camera. It did get a little wet (it was really only misting, not full-on raining), but if it can't survive that, I don't really want it anyway.
Man- if you start posting at 6 am, I'm gunna expect another later in the day.
I'm glad you didn't let a little drizzle stop you from doing what you love.
effing tree hugging, transplanted, hippies, who can tell time.
Shit. I feel like a lazy piece of crap. Time to go!
Ok, so let me get this straight. You don't like when 30th is desolate and you use the street to back into Ally's parking spot, but laying out in the middle of the road with a precious new toy is ok?! Kidding...
I like your stuff dude. It's become part of my daily routine of stuff to check online :)
I love the flower sooo much! Very cool pictures. I think you're getting the hang of your camera and I can hardly wait to see what's to come. Have a lovely day tomorrow. Love you!
I never knew how big of a Prince fan you are! "Purple Rain." Well I fully support it.
I'm loving your pictures man. I also LOVE that you got up at 5 to take pictures. It makes me so happy that you are getting so in to this art, that you're motivated to wake up at the crack of dawn for it. You're awesome.
Keep it up man. It's getting more fun and more amazing and interesting all the time.
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