The above picture has probably been the most challenging photo for me to post-process yet. Actually, there might have been more difficult ones in the past but I didn't care as much with them. There's a bunch of overexposed areas and low-contrast highlights, and even more shadows.
I feel like these last few months have been as much learning about photoshop as it has been about taking photographs. It's like composition is less than half the battle. To set up any of these shots it takes me 10 seconds max, but it can easily take me the better part of an hour on my computer getting it to look "right".
It still doesn't look right.
Australians use single quotation marks when quoting something.
eg 'All of our lives dedicated to shoving it right back in their fucking face.'
At first I thought this was a much cleaner way of writing because it keeps the page looking slightly cleaner, and that second quotation mark is really just extraneous, right? Well then I realized the flaw.
'That was somethin' he thought about.'
I saw a sentence similar to that once, and I thought that the quotation ended after somethin' and the he thought was like a he said/she said sort of ending to the quote.
Their dates go dd/mm/yy. This seems more logical than our own mm/dd/yy for obvious reasons (shortest first, longest last), but you can make a good case for either way.
They use the metric system. You all know my feelings towards the metric system.

They drive on the left side of the road. I spent the last 10 minutes reading about this on wikipedia. I was once told that the US started "driving" on the right after the we won our independence from the British as yet another way to separate ourselves from them. I found no such thing in this article, but it does mention that the first law requiring one to "drive" on the right side was passed in 1792 which isn't toooooo long after independence. Apparently it had more to do with the size of our wagons and the whipping hand of the "drivers" (of course American wagons were bigger than Britain's. Who didn't see that coming?). Australia is still kind of considered a British colony, or at least they feel pretty close to that part of their history however formally true it still is, and they therefore adopted the left-hand rule employed by their founding state. Some of the cool maps on that wikipedia page suggest that right-hand has been the most prominently used worldwide, and that Britain's influence is a major reason why anybody is still left (eg India, Australia).
Whatever dude, that's an awesome picture and looks great. I really really like the ones with the hands too.
I like the dd/mm/yy thing too, but it gets confusing fast. NZ is the same way, for the Brits of course took them over too.
I don't have anything else to say, other than you have obviously never met Larry, my evil twin. He is a bad ass, and doesn't respond to competition well. Don't say I didn't warn you.
pictures of my old school. How nice, you know they're going to rip it down, eh?
The angles of the stairs and the sun's rays are pretty cool.
Couldn't you plausibly see us doing 4X back flips off of this shit?
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