Title: Strepsirrhine
I was going to use the inset picture as the POD, but I liked the above name too much for it to not be used.
Bonnie is not in the suborder Strepsirrhini, nor is she even a Primate, but she does share one of the Strepsirrhines' most identifiable characteristics with them.
Um....productive day? I think so. I wrote one of the forty thank you letters my mom has been begging me to do for two months.
One down, thirty-nine to go.
Well, I actually haven't written the address on the one, nor have I sent it out yet, so rather:
Point seven-five done, thirty-nine point two-five to go.
And then there was nothing.
What a pretty baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the thank you! XO
P.S. Bonnie's gorgeous in that picture.
She's looking out for me. I miss you too Bonnie. I miss you too.
Bonnie looks like she has a lot to say
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