And then there was nothing.

(September 9, 2008)

Day 147

Read, Reread, Reshelve, Repeat

So Firefox's stupid dictionary plug-in is a stupidy stupid head, but it was telling me that "Reshelf" was spelled wrong. I decided to it, and they didn't recognize it either. I then googled it and found the answer on a forum. You can follow the link if you want, but all that it says is,

"[Between 'reshelf' and 'reshelve'] has to be 'reshelve', reshelf is the appendant noun. It goes like 'to halve' and 'half', 'to prove' and 'proof'..."

When you type "reshelf" into, it comes up with a list of suggested dictionary terms that you might have meant, starting with "shelf". Merely 11 terms down was "Rule 17f-1", looooong before things like "reshuffle", "shelve", or even "re-shelf". What the hell is Rule 17f-1 and how on earth could reshelf be considered a typo of that?


It turns out the left side of all my photos taken with my 18-55 VR are blurry.

I think that these days I'm really liking pictures that are cut in half. This, to me, looks like two separate pictures: one of the books, one of the dresser. The books are definitely the more interesting half (except for the blurry left side), but sometimes you can make both halves fun to look at. I know about the rule of thirds, but sometime I like blatantly breaking it. I think that I've found in the last 21 weeks that I like the subject of my photos to be at extremes (though I surely don't always shoot in this manner, I just often find myself doing so). What I mean is that I extend to rule of thirds to something more like the rule of sixths or ninths and push my subjects way into a corners or right to the sides of the frame. Or else, I guess, I just cut the picture in half.

Just so you all know, I think I'm going to give my computer a break and am going to turn it off for the night/day/week. That means no music noise songs. Btw, I don't know if you knew this, but when you press play, you're listening to a song from my computer, like directly off my computer. You press play, and your computer looks for my computer at the "phone number" that I've told to point to (, you computer knocks at the door of my router, my router (given the appropriate settings) directs your inquiry to a specific folder in my hard drive, and the filepath is given by the URL I specified when embedding the song.

Ain't these internets cool?

NOTE: I just noticed that my IP address (that "phone number" above) has changed recently because ISPs suck and make you pay out the ass for static, unchinging ones, and therefore if you've been "calling" my computer recently (to listen to songs, etc), then you're dialing the wrong number (ain't these internets a bitch?). I have no way of knowing how long this has been going on, but hopefully you were all able to listen to Regina yesturday because that's one of my most favoritists songs in the whole wide world. I just updated my settings which should take effect in the next 24 hours, so god willing, if my IP doesn't change in the next day until I re-turn my computer on, then Regina should be stroking the keys of her piano flawlessly once more soon enough.


Have you put 'Spirited Away' on your Netflix queue yet? Go ahead, do it now.


scott lawan said...

think of it as a one option tilt-shift.

<3 scott

Michael said...

God damn it, the last three nights in a row you or mark has caught me during my null time!

I need to put a disclaimer on my pre-ready posts.

scott lawan said...

i know about your null time. i have one too. but i just get a hard-on for blogs!!!!

<3 scott

Photomoto said...

Mike, when you get your replacement for your lens...take the broken one and break it more. Just drop it a few times or whatever...maybe you can get some cool looking pictures from the fucked up glass. You can claim it to be in the style of Dada art. OR do some stupid shit like rub Vaseline on the front most element and get a weird antique/soft focus look. What I mean by all of this is take the broken lens and experiment.

You people and your null time. I just get it all done in one sitting.


P.S. I could not hear the song yesterday. It never loaded.

Robot said...

i love the picture. brings out the euridite in me. oh my god, they don't have that word in the blogger dictionary. no i do not mean "meridith" or "putidrity"...what are you dictionary, high?
anyway. hilarious sadness with the reshelfage. reshelfitude. dictionaries are clearly inferior.

mike at