What the fuck is wrong with my Bridge? Again, as happened with the folder for Day 145, when I name today's folder 153 the photos won't rotate. When I give them a keyword or rating, the portraits auto-rotate to landscape and won't allow me to change them back. When I change the name to 153-1, the problem is gone.
Oh, and what the fuck is wrong with my iTunes? I just downloaded the newest version (which sucks, as usual. Eff you, Apple.) and the toolbar is messing up. Since historically about 40% of my viewers have either been on a Mac or an iPhone, I might need to explain that last sentence. These archaic unpopular non-trendy PC machines running Microsoft Windows' older, more competent version, XP, have a little blue bar running (usually) along the bottom of the screen. When you minimize iTunes, you can choose to have a mini-toolbar in which a little controller sits in that blue bar that allows you to pause/play/skip/adjust volume. I use this thing a lot because iTunes sucks and takes up waaaaayyy too much memory to run (at the moment it's using the same amount as the colossal programs of Firefox, Bridge, and Photoshop COMBINED!!!) and therefore makes my computer want to freeze every time I un-minimize it. Well, this toolbar still exists with the new version of iTunes, but it doesn't work. That's right, it shows up there at the bottom of my screen, and you can click the pause/play/skip/volume adjust buttons all you want, but they sure as hell aren't going to do anything. You can't even un-minimize iTunes by pressing the un-minimize button, you have to click on the little tray icon (Mac users: look up "tray icon", I'm not going to define it for you here. Oh, and stop being so damn pretentious.) It looks like Apple is slowly making their products (especially the free ones) less and less compatible with PCs to drive home their point about how annoying PCs are. I'm just waiting for Google to come out with their own OS so I can be done with all of this duality bullshit.
I hate you, Justin Long.
hmmmm, I am currently running itunes (w/ visualizer), Firefox, Safari,(don't ask why I use two different browsers at the same time because I wont tell you) Lightroom, Photoshop, ichat, Powerpoint and Garageband at the same time (a combination of the usual things open + extras because I am finishing up my project for tomorrow). I can have all of these open and then even throw everything into Exposé....things seem to be running well...
...and just for fun. lets have firefox and safari both run youtube videos. and lets open a video in quicktime.
oh hmmmm...everything is running pretty well.
suck it.
-using macbook pro.
(was going to leave a screenshot on my blog...but figured it would just make you cry)
I"If I want to manufacture biological weapons with my copy of iTunes, I will, fascists."
LOVE it.
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