Here we are at DIA again, waiting for the flight to NZ. It was a great trip, and I definitely want to remember every bit of it, but I'll probably let the photos do it alone. I plan to keep the narration to a minimum. I learned my lesson with Greece. The excessively long ramblings were boring, time-consuming, and generally unnecessary. Oh, and FYI, there's going to be some discontinuity in some of these posts because I'm going by the date my camera stamped on them (which was Colorado time) and not by NZ days. Therefore any pictures taken after dinnertime there are actually going to end up on the next day's post.
I'll start this off by saying that New Zealand's culture is directly inbetween the US's and Australia's.
I'll end by saying "thank god I'm done photoshopping all that shit." Until then, I'll keep the updates coming, hopefully several per day, so be sure to check back once in a while to keep up.
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