And then there was nothing.

(May 12, 2008)

Day 27

I'm missing Alcohol Club because I have to blow my nose every thirty seconds. This will be the first official meeting that I've missed since I started going (a few meetings after inception). Lame. And tonight was vodka night. And Karla's 21st. Happy birthday.

I wonder how many people read this. Actually, I take that back. I know exactly how many people read this thanks to google analytics. I really want to know who reads this. I'm really kind of self-conscious of my writing, which made it really hard for me when I first started blogging (back in the Book Club days, which a little birdie told me might be making its triumphant return soon...). I put a lot of thought into what I was writing and what the people I expected to read it would think. Now, I'm still aware of all of that, but my writing has become more...mine. In other words, I write more for myself than for you. I've realized that this is a photojournal of my life, and who besides me really cares what my day-to-day happenings are? I didn't start a blog earlier, photo or otherwise, because I thought that it was lame telling "the world" about your life and feelings and opinions and monotony, when "the world" (all 5 of your readers) don't care. But then I realized that I care about my life and feelings and blah blah blah, and a blog is just a medium for me to document that. Knowing that somebody out there checks this every day and reads my writing doesn't make me feel like what I'm saying is more important, it just makes me come back to do it more regularly. Without having someone "depending" on my frequent posting, I probably wouldn't stick with this Photo A Day project. I would get bored with it and let it slip through my fingers like most obsessive things I pick up. But it stays interesting because of you, my readers. Thanks to you, I have an efficient record of my life. Or at least the last 27 days of it.

It's weird, though, how annoyed I get if I've invited somebody to read this and they don't. I have several friends that I've shown this to (and have maybe even been on it), and then they never come back. I guess it's a vanity thing. Whatever, I'm over it.

I am...
  • 7.397% done with year one.
  • 66 days behind Life Happens 2.
  • 0 posts behind Book Club.
  • 5.590% caught up with Mark. I will be 90% caught up on Thursday, July 11, 2019, or in 4,077 days. Do the math. I'm right.


I have had a request to explain my above math.

First you divide how long I have been taking pictures by how many days Mark has:

27/483 = 0.05590

To figure out when that equals 0.9, you add X amount of days to both our numbers and set it equal to 0.9:

(27+X)/(483+X) = 0.9

Solve for X. After a little algebra you get:

X = 4077

Plug that number into this calculator, and you get the end date to be July 11, 2019. VoilĂ .


scott lawan said...

oh man i totally understand the annoyance when you invite people... i mean, i update it EVERYDAY. my gift to YOU!


Photomoto said...

I don't understand your math.

4,077 Days?



Club meeting was a shit show.

I can't believe I got that drunk.

I am an IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

I read this.

The A in AJ said...

Feel better soon bro. We have some serious hikes and adventures to have.

mike at